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Section / Rule Number
16A Prescribed authority for approving any institution or body established for scientific research
16B Prescribed authority for the purposes of clauses (8A) and (8B) of section 10
16C Requirements for approval of a fund under section 10(23AAA)
16CC Prescribed form of audit report under tenth proviso to section 10(23C)
16D Form of Report for claiming deduction under section 10A
16DD Form of particulars to be furnished along with return of income for claiming deduction under clause (b) of sub-section (1B) of section 10A
16E Form of Report for claiming deduction under section 10B
16F Form of Report for claiming deduction under section 10BA
17 Exercise of option etc under section 11.
17A Application for registration of charitable or religious trusts, etc.
17B Audit report in the case of charitable or religious trusts, etc.
17C Forms or modes of investment or deposits by a charitable or religious trust or institution
17D Prescribed foreign projects for the purposes of deduction in respect of profits and gains from projects outside India under section 80HHB
18 Accommodation and amenities to be provided by hotels.
18A Prescribed authority to certify the daily average number of rehabilitated employees in an industrial undertaking.
18AA Prescribed authority for approval of a hotel under section 80CC.
18AAA Prescribed authority for approval of a University or any educational institution of national eminence for the purpose of section 80G
18AAAA Prescribed authority for the purpose of receiving separate accounts from trusts or funds or institutions for providing relief to the victims of earthquake in Gujarat
18AAAAA Guidelines for specifying an association or institution for the purposes of notification under clause (c) of sub-section (2) of section 80G
18AAB Prescribed authority for approval of companies engaged in Scientific and Industrial Research and Development for the purposes of section 80-IA
18B Form of audit report for claiming deduction under section 80HH
18BB Form of audit report for claiming deduction under section 80HHA
18BBA Form of reports for claiming deduction under section 80HHB or under section 80HHC or under section 80HHD and prescribed authority under section 80HHD
18BBB Form of audit report for claiming deduction under section 80-I or section 80-IA or section 80-IB
18BBC Prescribed authority for approval of hotels located in certain areas
18BBD Prescribed authority for approval of companies carrying on Scientific and Industrial Research and Development
18BBE Computation of profits of certain activities forming integral part of a highway project for the purpose of section 80-IA
18C Eligibility of Industrial Parks for benefits under section 80-IA (4)(iii)
18D Prescribed authority for approval of companies carrying on scientific research and development
18DA Prescribed conditions for deduction under sub-section (8A) of section 80-IB
18DB Prescribed area, facilities and amenities for multiplex theatres and particulars of audit report, for deduction under sub-section (7A) and clause (da) of sub-section (14) of section 80-IB
18DC Prescribed area, facilities and amenities for convention centres and particulars of audit report, for deduction under sub-section (7B) and clause (aa) of sub-section (14) of section 80-IB
18DD Form of report for claiming deduction under sub-section (11B) of section 80-IB
18DE Prescribed area, minimum seating capacity, facilities and amenities for convention centres; minimum number of convention halls in the convention centres; and particulars of audit report, for deduction under section 80-ID
19 Computation of capital employed in an industrial undertaking or a hotel.
19A Computation of capital employed in an industrial undertaking or a ship or the business of a hotel for the purposes of section 80J.
19AB Form of report for claiming deduction under section 80JJAA
19AC Form of certificate to be furnished under sub-section (3) of section 80QQB
19AD Prescribed authority for purposes of sub-section(2) of section 80RRB and form of certificate to be furnished under sub-section(2) of section 80RRB
19AE Form of report of accountant to be furnished under sub-section(3) of section 80LA
20 Guidelines for approval under clause (xix) of sub- section (2) of section 80C or under clause (xvi) of sub-section (2) of section 88
20A Guidelines for approval under clause (xx) of sub- section (2) of section 80C or under clause (xvii) of sub-section (2) of section 88
20AB Evidence of payemnt of security transaction tax for claiming deduction under section 88E
21 Limits for life insurance premia in the case of authors, etc.
21A Relief when salary is paid in arrears or in advance, etc.
21AA Furnishing of particulars for claiming relief under section 89(1)
21B Relief when interest on securities is received in arrears.
18DDA Form of report for claiming deduction under sub-section (11C) of section 80-IB
21AB Certificate for claiming relief under an agreement referred to in section 90 and 90A
17CA Functions of Electoral Trusts
21AC Furnishing of authorisation and maintenance of documents etc. for the purposes of section 94A.
17CB Method of valuation for the purposes of sub-section (2) of section 115TD
21AD Exercise of option under sub-section (4) of section 115BA
21AE. Exercise of option under sub-section (5) of section 115BAA
21AF. Exercise of option under sub-section (7) of section 115BAB.
21AG Exercise of option under sub-section (5) of section 115BAC
21AH Exercise of option under sub-section (5) of section 115BAD
18AB. Furnishing of Statement of particulars and certificate
21AI Computation of exempt income of specified fund for the purposes of clause (4D) of section 10
21AJ Determination of income of a specified fund attributable to units held by non-residents under sub-section (1A) of section 115AD
21AK Conditions for the purpose of clause (4E) of section 10
21AJA Computation of exempt income of specified fund, attributable to the investment division of an offshore banking unit, for the purposes of clause (4D) of section 10 of the Act
21AJAA Determination of income of a specified fund attributable to the investment division of an
21AAA Taxation of income from retirement benefit account maintained in a notified country
21AIA Other conditions required to be fulfilled by a specified fund referred to in clause (4D) of section
21AL Other Conditions required to be fulfilled by the original fund
17AA Books of account and other documents to be kept and maintained
21AGA Exercise of option under sub-section (6) of section 115BAC
21ACA “Conditions and activities for the Finance Company located in any International Financial Services Centre
21AHA. Exercise of option under sub-section (5) of section 115BAE
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